Link's Choice Adventure

"Excuse me"

He doesn't respond. Upon closer inspection you see the old mans eyes are closed and he is actually fast asleep. You give him a gentle tap on the shoulder.

"WAAA WHAAAT. Who's there!" He exclaims as his head shoots up and his arms start failing about him wildly.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to spook you I was just wondering if you had ever heard of the master sword."

"Whats it to you kid."

"I need to find it to defeat Agahnim."

"Ahahahaha whatever you say kid. Look if I tell you what I know will you leave me alone."


"Well ok then, legend has it the sword was crafted by the Gods themselves or something, meant to be super powerful. I remember a while back some adventurer came in here, said he'd tracked the sword down to somewhere in the swamp ruins and was off to find it. Well that was years ago now don't think anyones heard from him since."

"That's great thanks!" You say. "Looks like I need to explore the ruins."

"Hey the ruins no place for a kid. If you're gonna go take this." The old man produces a small lantern from his jacket. "It'll be pitch black in there, and hey if you make it out be sure to tell me if you found your master sword ahahahaha."

Items: heart coin apple normal sword improved bow bow master sword lantern
What would you like to do:
Take the lantern