Link's Choice Adventure

The air inside the cave smells stale and damp. The walls around you are wet to the touch. Now and then the sent of animals musk fills you nose. You begin to worry a bear or other animals call this cave home. This thought isn't help by the rustling coming from all around you.

The further into the cave you go the darker it gets and you begin to think about heading back unitl you see a light at the end of the tunnel. As you go deeper the light grows until you came make out two sconces holding flaming tourches. As you pass the tourches you enter into a large open space. Here the walls are no longer the jagged brown rock of the cave before it but smooth grey bricks forming a large cirle. The musk of animals has disappeared and has been replaced with the smell of fresh roses. In the middle of the room stands a large ornate foundtain. Clear water spouts from the top and casscades down the fountains many marble layers until reaching a large cirular pool at the bottom.

Items: heart coin apple normal sword improved bow bow master sword lantern
What would you like to do:
Through some coins into the pond.
Through some coins into the pond.
Head back to the swamp.